How to automatically watermark or batch watermark photos using ImageMagick

In this article I’ll share a couple of ways to use ImageMagick to add a watermark to a photo. ImageMagick is a command line program, which is perfect for this job as that means it can scripted.

How to automatically watermark or batch watermark photos using ImageMagick

I use it on my photography website so I can upload original size photos, then the images can automatically be resized and have a watermark added. I won’t go into detail on the image resizing in this article, as I have a feeling the article will already be quite long. But maybe I will cover that aspect in a future article.

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Posted on by xoogu, last updated

Justified Horizontal Menu – CSS & Javascript Solutions

Recently I wanted to use a horizontal navigation menu on a website. I wanted the items in the menu to be evenly distributed across the width of the page, but also butting up against each other, with no space between each item. The other requirement was that the spacing between the text of each item should be equal.

Fluid width menu with justified items, each one with the same padding applied
Fluid width menu with justified items, each one with the same padding applied

Same menu on a smaller width screen, demonstrating the fluid sizing
Same menu on a smaller width screen, demonstrating the fluid sizing

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Posted on by xoogu, last updated

Optimising MySQL queries – JOIN vs IN (subquery)

When searching for some advice relating to an SQL query I was writing recently, I read some advice that you should try to use JOINs rather than IN with a subquery. I modified the particular query I was working on to use a JOIN instead of a subquery, and lo and behold, it was much faster.

So I decided to try and rewrite some other queries I’d written using IN with a subquery. Re-written to use JOINs instead, they should be much faster. But rather than just blindly rewriting the queries, I decided to run a few tests.

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Posted on by xoogu, last updated

Space separated rel values – HTML vs. ATOM

Just a quick note regarding an issue I came across today. HTML allows space separated rel values to indicate link types. I was using this to indicate a URL was both self and canonical, i.e.

<link rel="self canonical" href="" />

I was using the same code in both the HTML and ATOM feed versions of my site, but it turns out that ATOM does not allow space separated rel values. So for ATOM you would require two links, like:

<link rel="self" href="" />
<link rel="canonical" href="" />

Or don’t include a canonical link in your ATOM feed.

Posted on by xoogu, last updated

Differences between windows batch and linux bash shell script syntax

Carrying on from my previous post about using scripts created in Windows on Linux, here are some comparisons to show the syntax differences between Windows batch scripts and bash scripts.

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Posted on by xoogu, last updated

Using scripts created in Windows on Linux

A few weeks ago I tried converting a Windows batch script to a Linux shell (bash) script. The syntax between windows and linux shell scripts is quite different, but I also had a problem other than syntax differences.

After modifying the script to use linux syntax (e.g. proper loops instead of labels and GOTOs), I ran the script but it returned the following message:

/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

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Posted on by xoogu, last updated

Selecting distinct merged results from multiple tables in MySQL

I had an issue recently where I needed to get a list of keywords for one of my websites. The website uses two databases, one for the blog, and a different one for the main part of the site. So I wanted to select the unique (distinct) keywords from the keyword tables on both databases.

This is the query I ended up with, which I will explain in a moment:

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Posted on by xoogu, last updated

How to set up a W3TC mirror CDN for WP multisite with domain mapping

WordPress Multisite with the domain mapping plugin is a good way to run multiple wordpress sites. It means you don’t have to worry about keeping WordPress and plugins up to date for each individual site.

The W3 Total Cache plugin is one of the most popular wordpress plugins for speeding up wordpess websites. One of the things it offers is serving static content from a CDN (Content Delivery Network). You don’t have to use a real CDN, but can instead a generic mirror CDN.

A generic mirror CDN doesn’t have all the benefits of a real CDN. However, because you use a different domain (or subdomain) for the CDN address, it does solve the problem of cookies being sent for static content requests. And unlike a real CDN, you don’t need to pay anything extra for it.

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Posted on by xoogu, last updated

.htaccess rule to prompt file download

Here’s a quick .htaccess trick you can use to make a user’s browser prompt them to download an image rather than the image just opening in the browser.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} =download
RewriteRule ([^/]*)$ - [L,E=download:$1]
Header onsuccess set Content-disposition "attachment; filename=%{download}e" env=download

What this does is that any links to images (or any other file) will be handled normally, but if you add ‘?download’ to the end of your link, the user will be prompted to download the file instead, e.g.

Normal link <a href="/filepath/some-image.jpg" >Link</a>
Download link <a href="/filepath/some-image.jpg?download" >Link</a>

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Posted on by xoogu, last updated