Currency Conversion WordPress Plugin


Frequently asked questions

Is this plugin compatible with caching plugins like WP Super Cache and W3TC Page Cache?

You can enable the Ajax add-on when using static page caching. This add-on performs the conversions in the user’s browser using javascript. It will work with any form of static page caching so long as responses to POST requests are not cached, (which is nearly always the case).

Alternatively, for WPSC support you can use Geo Targeted Caching plugin for WP Super Cache or Dynamic Shortcodes plugin for WP Super Cache. W3TC support is available in the form of a Geo Targeted Caching extension for W3 Total Cache or the Dynamic Shortcodes extension for W3 Total Cache.

Each uses a different method of enabling compatibility – Geo Targeted Caching is more efficient but requires you have server based GeoIP detection enabled. Dynamic Shortcodes is not as efficient but will work if you are using a WordPress GeoIP detection plugin. For more information on the differences between these methods see Differences between caching methods with Geo targeted content.

It’s not working! The amount is displayed on the page unchanged

There can be a number of reasons why an amount is not converted to the local currency. First, make sure you have a Geo IP method set on the plugin settings page. Secondly, ensure that the amount you are expecting to see converted has from set to a different currency than the country you are in uses.

If the Geo IP method is correctly set in the plugin settings, then it could be that the Geo IP method is not working properly. Below the Geo IP method setting you should see some text that says something like Your country code is XX, which uses the currency code XXX. If not, then there could either be an issue with detecting your country from your IP address, or your country may be missing from the plugin. Let me know your IP address, country, and the Geo IP method selected, and I’ll look into the issue.

Bear in mind that if you are testing the site locally, then your location won’t be able to be retrieved from your IP, this will only work on a live web server.

If you have set the plugin to use static rates, but a post does not have any static rates saved for it, then the amount won’t be converted. This could happen if you enable the static rates in the plugin settings after already writing some posts that include the shortcode, but don’t have static set on them – these older posts would not have had any rates saved for them. If you edit and save the older posts then the plugin should save the static rates for them (though note that the rates saved will be the current ones, not the ones from when the posts were originally created).

There could have been an issue fetching the exchange rate data from Yahoo! In the plugin settings (click show advanced settings), in the section Frequency to update exchange rates you should see a line that says Rates were last updated: If the date given is 1st January 1970, this means the rates weren’t fetched successfully. You can deactivate the plugin and reactivate the plugin to force it to attempt to fetch the rates again.

Why isn’t X currency supported?

Yahoo Finance is used to retrieve the exchange rates, so the plugin can only work with currencies supported by Yahoo Finance. Unsupported currencies include the South Sudanese Pound and crypto currencies such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

Posted on by xoogu, last updated

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